Cryptocurrency Taxation: How Are Crypto Gains Taxed?

Cryptocurrency Taxation

Cryptocurrency Taxation

The IRS has been cracking down on cryptocurrency investors who fail to report their crypto gains. But what exactly does the tax code say about cryptocurrencies?

The IRS has been cracking down recently on cryptocurrency investors who fail to report their crypto gains.

But what exactly does the tax law say about cryptocurrencies?

In this article, we’ll look at the current laws regarding the taxation of cryptocurrencies.

How Do I Report My Crypto Gains?

If you sold any cryptocurrency for profit during 2018, you must file Form 8949. This form requires you to report the fair market value of each coin you sold.

Fair Market Value

The IRS defines fair market value as “the price at which property would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or sell and both having reasonable knowledge of relevant facts.”
So when you sell a coin for profit, you should report its fair market value.

What Is Fair Market Value?

The following factors determine fair market value:

  • 1. The highest and best use of the property, including its highest and best use as a whole;
  • 2. The cost to reproduce or replace the property with other property of like kind and quality;
  • 3. The income that can be derived from the property;
  • 4. The general condition of the property;
  • 5. Any unique features of the property; and
  • 6. The amount of depreciation (or amortization) applicable to the property.

The IRS also says that if you bought a coin for less than $600, you could deduct your initial investment up to $3,000. However, if you purchased more than $600 worth of coins, you have to pay capital gain taxes on any profits above $600.

Capital Gain Taxes

You must pay capital gains taxes on any profits you make from selling your cryptocurrency. Capital gains taxes apply only to cryptocurrencies held for more than one year.

If you instead sold the same $1,000 worth of Bitcoin for $800, you’d recognize a loss that can offset other gains and up to $3,000 of your taxable income each year. You’d realize a loss that could offset other profits and up to $3,000 of your taxable income each year if you sold the same $1,000 worth of Bitcoin for $800 instead.

There are two types of losses associated with capital assets: casualty losses (when a capital asset is damaged) and theft losses (when someone steals an asset).
Short-term capital gains tax will apply if you hold cryptocurrencies (or any other asset) for less than one year.

What was the coin worth before you bought it?

Keywords: how does crypto get taxed, 

how much did you pay for it, what was its value when you bought it How much did you pay for your cryptocurrency? 

What was its value when you purchased it? These questions are important because they help determine whether you owe taxes on your gains.

If you paid $100 for a coin, which later doubled in value, you might be able to deduct your loss from your income tax return. However, if you bought the same coin at $10 and sold it for $20, you would need to report the entire gain on your tax return.

According to the IRS, capital gains are the profits from selling assets that were purchased at a lower price than their fair market value. Fair market value is determined by looking at the current prices of similar coins.

To calculate your capital gains, subtract the amount you originally paid for the coin from the amount you sell it for. Then multiply the difference by.15% (the standard capital gains rate).

For example, let’s say you bought a coin for $10 and sold it two years later for $50. Your total profit is $40. To figure out how much you should pay in taxes, divide $40 by.15%. In this case, you’d pay $3.33 in federal taxes.
You can find more information about capital gains on the IRS website.

What the coin was actually worth after you bought it.

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This topic is about taxes on cryptocurrencies. In this article, we’ll discuss how virtual currencies are taxed and the current tax laws regarding them. We’ll also look at some of the most popular cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Monero, Dash, Dogecoin, Zcash, and others.

The IRS treats cryptocurrencies as property, not currency. This implies equities, bonds, real estate, and other kinds of property.

You report capital gains and losses on your income tax return when you sell your cryptocurrency. These gains and losses are calculated based on the difference between what you paid for the coins and what you sold them for.
If you purchased $10,000 worth of Bitcoin in 2017, you’d be able to claim a long-term capital gain of $10,000 when you sold it in 2018. However, if you purchased $100,000 worth of Bitcoin, you’d only be able to claim a short-term capital loss of $100,000 when you sold those Bitcoins.

You can’t deduct any expenses related to buying or selling your cryptocurrency. For example, there are no deductions for interest, legal fees, brokerage fees, or anything else.

Short-term capital gains are taxed at 15% (or 20%, depending on your tax bracket). Long-term capital gains are taxed as ordinary income.

Some people prefer to pay the lower rate of 10%. Others may want to avoid paying any taxes at all. The best way to find out what you owe is to consult a tax professional.

The government doesn’t regulate cryptocurrencies. Instead, they’re unregulated, meaning there’s no oversight from the IRS or anyone else.

However, the IRS does require taxpayers to file Form 8949 if they hold more than $10,000 in cryptocurrency. This form requires information about the type of cryptocurrency, its value, and whether it was acquired through a trade or investment.

The IRS doesn’t consider cryptocurrencies currencies, which means they don’t fall under the same regulations as traditional currencies.

For example, the IRS considers gold to be money, but it doesn’t consider Bitcoin to be money. Gold is considered a commodity, while Bitcoin is considered a digital asset.

Because cryptocurrencies aren’t regulated, they’re not subject to the same reporting requirements as traditional currencies.

That said, the IRS does require investors to report gains and losses on their tax returns. Investors holding more than $10k in cryptocurrency must fill out a form called Form 8949.

Investors can use this form to report their cryptocurrency holdings, along with details about where they obtained the coins and how much they spent on them.

The IRS will use this information to calculate capital gains and losses. In addition, investors can use these numbers to determine how much they owe in taxes.

Whether you paid too much for the coin.

If you bought cryptocurrency at a price that was too high, you might be able to get back some of those losses through tax deductions. But there are limits to this deduction, and you need to understand them.

The IRS allows taxpayers to deduct capital losses only when they exceed capital gains. In other words, you can’t deduct losses on investments that were purchased at a loss.

This means that if you bought bitcoin for $10,000 and sold it for $5,000, you can deduct the difference between the two prices ($5,000) as a capital loss. However, if you bought bitcoin for only $1,000, you can’t deduct the $9,000 loss 

because it doesn’t exceed the $5,000 gain.

There are exceptions to this rule, however. For example, if you bought bitcoin at a loss and later sold it for a profit, you can still deduct the entire amount of your original purchase. This is called wash sale rules.

Another exception is if you bought cryptocurrency at a loss and later resold it at a profit. In this case, you can deduct the full amount of your initial investment.

Finally, if you bought cryptocurrency at an inflated price (such as during a bull run), you can deduct any subsequent decrease in value. So if you bought bitcoin for a million dollars and it dropped to $100,000, you can claim a $900,000 capital loss.

In short, whether you paid too much for your cryptocurrency depends on what you originally paid for it. You could deduct the loss from your taxes if you bought it at a loss. However, if you bought it for a fair price, you wouldn’t be able to deduct any losses.

Whether you paid too little for the coin.

The IRS considers cryptocurrency gains taxable when they’re sold. However, there are some exceptions. For example, if you bought bitcoin at $20,000 and sold it today for $100,000, you’d pay taxes on only $80,000 (the difference between the two prices).

If you Purchased Bitcoin for $1,000 and sold it for $10,000, you would owe taxes on the entire gain ($11,000), not just half ($5,500). Since you didn’t sell the bitcoins, you merely swapped them for real money.

You would owe tax on the excess portion of the profit that exceeds your original investment of $9,101 if you bought bitcoin for $1,001 and sold it for $10,101. In this scenario, you would only owe taxes of $2,000 (less than half of the total profit).

This means that you would owe taxes on only the difference between your initial investment and the bitcoin price of $1,200 ($12,300) if you purchased it for $1,200 and later sold it for $12,300.

There are many ways to avoid paying tax on your cryptocurrency gains. One way is to use a self-directed IRA account. Another option is to invest in a private company that offers cryptocurrency investments.

Another way is to simply hold onto your coins until they appreciate them significantly. You can even wait until after the next halving event, which occurs every four years. At that point, the price per unit will drop by 50%.

You’ll want to keep in mind that holding onto your coins isn’t necessarily a bad idea. After all, you may be able to sell them for more money down the road. But if you plan on selling your crypto within the next year, you should consider investing in a private company specializing in crypto investments.


In conclusion, cryptocurrency taxation has become a hot topic over the past year. While the IRS hasn’t issued any official guidance on the matter, we know that cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin aren’t subject to capital gains taxes. However, if you sell your Crypto Assets for fiat currency, you’ll owe income tax on the amount you receive.

While this may seem confusing, the IRS has clarified that you shouldn’t worry too much about it. They say that you should treat your crypto holdings as regular investments and that you won’t owe any additional taxes on selling your digital coins.

This means you can keep your profits from selling your crypto without paying any extra taxes.
The bottom line is that you should never panic regarding cryptocurrency taxation. Instead, you should focus on building wealth through investing in crypto and let the government figure out the details later.

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